Residents in social care last priority for Care Quality Commission
"There is perhaps a lack of clarity about who [the CQC] work for... personally I feel residents are last on the list.”

MPs write to Prime Minister requesting new legal right
MPs have written to the Prime Minister, requesting that he take forward the Care Supporters Bill, which would give us all the right to at least one Care Supporter.

Parliament takes a step closer to Gloria’s Law
Watch Dan Carden MP’s powerful speech in favour of the new right to a Care Supporter - Gloria’s Law.

Help us fight for care rights
We have been making great strides to push for a new right for people needing care, but we need your help to get it over the line! Please take 1, 2 or even 3 quick actions to help.

Not just ‘visitors’: partners in care
R&RA hosted a special episode of the The Caring View, to share the voices of three supporters, who spoke powerfully about their experiences of being a relative to someone living in care.

Enough is enough: end isolation in care
Parliament debates our call for a new right to a Care Supporter