We challenged my mum’s care home about visiting
Lee Griffiths with his mum Slyvia.
When Mum became ill in May 2020, we tried to keep her out of hospital for as long as we could, but unfortunately she was rushed in unexpectedly. At this point we were told she would be better off in a home as she needed 24 hour care.
Enforced visiting restrictions throughout the pandemic meant we couldn’t visit her properly in her own room at the care home until the following March – a gap of almost ten months.
As Covid outbreaks occurred, the home continued to close. They said public health were advising them to stop all visits.
We turned to Rights for Residents for support and used the information and advice they offered to enable us to fight to get in to see her.
Following a fall, Mum was admitted to hospital and once again we were told visitors were not allowed. Rights for Residents signposted us to John’s Campaign for help. When Mum was eventually discharged from hospital, restrictions continued.
The care home said we could not see Mum for 14 days but fortunately Rights for Residents explained the role of an essential care giver which gave us the confidence to challenge the home, who were breaching Government guidance.
From day one, we were able to access the correct information we needed and we would have been lost without the support of Rights for Residents.
It’s also been great to have the support of other members of the group and sharing experiences with them proved invaluable, particularly when it came to moving Mum to another care home.
– Lee Griffiths