Zipwire for care rights

24 June 2024

Last year we attempted to ride the world's fastest zipwire to raise funds for Care Rights UK. We were thwarted by a terrible storm which closed the zipwire. This year, we're going back to try again!

Having already seen what we're up against, its taking even more bravery to go back. It is very high (1555 meters) and very fast (100+ mph) - quite simply, terrifying. But its all for an excellent cause.

Care Rights UK supports people in the most vulnerable of situations - older and disabled people who need care. Throughout the pandemic we heard first-hand (via our adviceline) the terrible impact of isolation in care settings. We are campaigning for a new legal right to a Care Supporter - a relative or friend who can be there when we're using health or care services. No-one should ever be isolated from the support they need. No-one should ever have to die alone again.

Please sponsor us to make all the fear worthwhile!

Your donation will fund our vital work and help us get this new law over the line. Thank you in advance for your contribution and for your support for the campaign. We'll be thinking of you as we descend at 100+mph over the disused quarry!


Hot weather in care