Leave a legacy that lasts

Remember us in your will

If we have helped you or your family, or if you share our concern about the future of care rights in the UK, adding us to your Will is one of the best gifts you can give.

This page includes some details about how you can do it, but if you’d like more information, please do get in touch.

How to add Care Rights UK to your Will

If you wish to include Care Rights UK in your Will, you will need our registered name, address and charity number:

Registered name: Care Rights UK: your care champion

Address: Care Rights UK, Unit 6, Aztec Row, 1 Berners Road, London N1 0PW

Registered Charity number: 1020194

If you are writing a new Will, you should find a solicitor to help you draw this up. See ‘Choosing a solicitor’ below.

You will need to think about a few things before making your Will:

  • who will be named as your executors; the people who will make sure your wishes are fulfilled

  • calculate the value of your assets; make a note of your possessions from small items such as jewellery to larger assets including property, savings and investments

  • choose the family and friends you’d like to remember. After them, consider whether you would like to leave a gift to charity

A valid Will must be:

  • in writing

  • signed by the testator (the person who has made the Will or given the legacy)

  • signed by two witnesses present at the same time (the witnesses cannot be beneficiaries of the Will)

  • The testator must have ‘capacity’, i.e: the ability to use and understand information to make a decision, and communicate any decision made.

Choosing a solicitor

A solicitor will be able to advise you on leaving charitable gifts when making a Will. Before enlisting a solicitor, check how much they charge and, if possible, get recommendations from those around you. You may be entitled to legal aid if you are 70 or over; disabled; a parent of a disabled person and wish for that person to be provided for in the Will; or a single person that wishes to appoint a guardian in the Will. More information can be found at your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

The Free Wills Network can give you the opportunity to write a Will for free. Visit the Free Wills Network website for more details.

Type of gift

Your gift can be as small or big as you like – all donations will help us support older people having problems with care, as well as campaigning for better rights and protections. Gifts are generally specified in the following categories:

Residuary gift: a gift of any portion of your estate that remains after payment of debts, administration expenses and distribution of any specific gifts.

Pecuniary gift: a gift of a specific amount of money you desire to donate. Such gifts can be expressed to be ‘index linked’ so the sum gift holds its value in line with inflation.

Specific gift: a gift of a specific item you wish to leave, e.g. jewellery, artwork or furniture.

Many supporters choose to leave a share of their estate (a residuary gift) for the simple reason that it keeps pace with inflation and enables you to ensure that your family and friends are cared for. After you have thought about those closest to you, would you consider leaving just 1% of your estate to Care Rights UK?

Wording for a gift

We strongly suggest contacting a professional when drawing up or amending your Will. If you decide to leave a gift to Care Rights UK, your solicitor may use some specific wording to ensure your wishes are carried out. The suggested wording below covers the main types of charitable gifts:

‘I give to Care Rights UK: your care champion, Unit 6, Aztec Row, 1 Berners Road, London N1 0PW, Registered Charity Number 1020194, ……………….. % of my estate / the sum of £……………….. / specific item(s) ……………………………….. to be used for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Treasurer or duly authorised Officer shall be a full and sufficient discharge for my Executors.’

Mental capacity and making a will

Having dementia or similar need not stop you making a Will, providing you have what is called ‘mental capacity’.

This means you:

  • understand information given to you

  • are able to retain that information long enough to be able to make a decision

  • can weigh up the information available to make a decision and can communicate the decision.

For more information, you can read the Government advice on mental capacity here, contact your solicitor or your GP or contact our helpline.

If you are caring for a person with dementia, there may come a time when they are unable to make decisions about their care and their finances. A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document appointing one, or more, trusted people to be their attorney(s). An attorney is a person responsible for making decisions on their behalf.