Give me back my rights! Frances' story

Frances is 100 years old and lives in a care home. This is her story:

Lockdown was worse than living through the war. During lockdown l felt trapped, lonely, depressed and forgotten. For over a year l only saw my family by appointment, through glass, at a distance. I am deaf so it was very difficult and frustrating trying to communicate. For 65 days l was isolated in my room; no fresh air, no exercise, no-one to chat to. l felt like a caged animal, just fed and watered!


Now my daughter has essential caregiver status and can come in my room and she can take me out so l can see my family and go shopping. But there are still many rules and restrictions that don't make sense. It doesn't feel like my home.


I hope that very soon care homes will open up and families can all be together, before it is too late. It feels like this Government doesn't care what's happening in care homes and we don't matter because we're old??!! How would they like it if they couldn't go outside or see their families?


Give me back my human rights and freedom the same as the rest of the country. I fought for our freedom! I am not just speaking for myself but for all those trapped in this care system!


Linda, her daughter, added:

Having mum in a care home throughout lockdown has been mentally and emotionally draining. The frustration, worry, sadness at not being able to see, speak, support mum in her distress, isolation and loneliness has been horrendous.

I have felt anger and frustration at the Government’s ineptitude and disregard of the human rights and equality of residents in care homes, and this continues! I believe that the relatives of the people in care homes during lockdown will live with a legacy of guilt, anger, hurt, and with an emotional turmoil and pain that will never be erased!


Watch 'Living Through COVID in Care: Frances' story' here


Living with COVID: A provider’s view


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